Heed It or You Don’t Need It
Articles, tutorials, videos, podcasts – if you want to learn something new the internet has you covered. But that great content is only any good if you follow through on it. It’s only any good if you DO.
If all you do is read that great tutorial you haven’t learned anything. You must put it into practice. That video won’t do anything for you unless you’re building off it. You’re fooling yourself into thinking you’re helping yourself. You’re procrastinating. You’re putting off the doing.
So stop. Close that article. Close that video. Start doing.
Start writing, or taking photos, or building websites, or building apps, or making furniture, or whatever it is you aspire to do.
Stop thinking you need to know more than you do now before you start. When you start you will be terrible. That’s okay. Be terrible. Revel in how bad you are. Celebrate it. This is the worst you’ll ever be.
Without starting you can’t improve. Reading about it is no substitute for doing. You still have to start. You can’t read about being a photographer and get to say you’re a photographer. You have to take photos. You can’t read about building websites and say you’re a web developer. You have build a website.
Start with the basics. Yes, you can use a tutorial as a guide. Just don’t use it to avoid the doing.
Once you’ve started, once you’ve actually done something, keep going. Now you know where you’re weak. Now you can find a tutorial about that. How can you improve? Try again. Do again. Read again.
You haven’t started at all if all you do is read tutorials, watch videos, listen to how-tos. Heed it or you don’t need it.
Enough reading. Enough watching. Enough listening. Start doing.