The View From Inside

Each of us live inside our own shell. It obscures our view.

We view other people from the outside. Only seeing what those others show us consciously or unconsciously.

In viewing ourselves our view is mostly of the inside and more is visible to us. Though what we see is so much, much more, the more is lost and hidden by the noise of the more. Every view of ourselves is skewed.

Other people we define by their successes and failures. The road they took to get there is invisible to our eye. We see none of the internal battles others fight.

For ourselves, we see life as a series of battles raging inside our heads. Some won, some lost. Often we see ourselves as frauds. Impostors pretending to be real people doing real things in the real world. We doubt ourselves but are blind to the self doubt of others. We engage in unending battle, we take the role of both victim and victor.

Our view is limited. We are unable to see inside others. Despite seeing only the struggle within ourselves know that every one of us has our own struggles. Don’t let the view from inside block out that knowledge.