For the past several days I’ve been working on a project for a client. I’ve started the project and restarted it but, so far, I’m not happy with what I’ve put together. I get so far into it and realise that what I’ve done isn’t working. Restart again.
Almost like driving down a road and finding a massive boulder blocking your way. You need to get to the other side but can’t. You go back and start the journey again but because you take the same road you meet the boulder again. It’s too big to move.
There’s only one way to beat the block. You have to go around. Leave the car where it is and climb over, or walk around.
Right now, with my client project, I’m trying to find my way around the boulder. The best way past.
Boulders block our way in life often. We must learn to get around them. Take them in stride.