SlideMint Website Version Two

Yesterday the second version of the SlideMint website went live.

The first version of the website was very much a make it live as soon as possible job. As a result it was incredibly basic. The new version has a little bit extra content but is mostly about the look of the site. It needed to be made more appealing looking to visitors.

Every website tells a story and that story must match the story the business wants to tell. A badly designed website for a design related business tells the wrong story. It says these guys have no idea about design.

Here are version one and two side by side for comparison.


The website could certainly do with more content. All that’s been added in this version is an about section and a second presentation. The copy on the site is unchanged from version one. Laid out differently but that’s about all.

Version two is a lot better than version one but remains a work in progress.

If you have a minute I’d love to hear any feedback you have on the site. What can be improved?

Oscar Results

Last night I stayed up until 5am to watch the Oscars. A big part of it was that Christina wanted to watch them live. Another part of it was wanting to see how many Oscars I predicted correctly (on Friday I posted a  slideshow of my prediction).

I updated the presentation today with the results so if you’d like to see how I got on you can have a look below. My predictions got off to a good start. Not that means I did well!


Two days ago I launched SlideMint a new presentation development business.

Launching wasn’t an all-singing, all-dancing affair. It was simply making the website live and uploading a presentation. Getting the website out there was important in making SlideMint real. Something living needs to be fed and nurtured. It builds momentum.

No, the SlideMint site isn’t perfect. Far from it. It has too little content. But that can be built up over time. Sometimes the most important thing is starting.

The presentation I uploaded was created for my wife, Christina, a wedding photographer, to promote her wedding photography advice ebook ‘Ever Yours’. I needed examples of work and creating a presentation for Christina’s ebook seemed like the logical thing to do. This is the slideshow…

Over the next while I will develop the SlideMint website and some more presentation examples.

If you’re keeping track, two days ago is also when I launched this blog. Doing things makes me want to do more things.