Our life’s journey takes place in a changing world. The landscape shifts around us as we make our path through it.
We strive towards milestones, destinations, but the ground does not moving. Even if we pause in our journey the landscape does not stop changing. Destinations move further from us, nearer to us, or disappear entirely.
The world we journey through changes because we are not the alone in travelling. Technology, economics, politics, and social are some of the factors influencing the changes and shifts on the landscape we travel. Technology can bring a goal nearer by providing us with better tools to achieve it. It can also make our goal obsolete.
Nothing we do can stop change from happening.
We must accept that the landscape shifts. We must continue our journey despite it. Remain flexible. If the position of your destination shifts you must be able to adapt. That may mean understanding that the journey may be longer or even that you must change your destination.