Stop Spinning

You’re told you can be anything. If you can be anything you want to be everything. In wanting to be everything you become nothing. You spin in place.

Round and round you go without ever moving from the spot on which you started. Round and round becoming dizzy and disorientated. More and more confused. “Which way to go? Which way to go?”

Take a step. Any step. In any direction. Now you’re moving. Now you’re working.

Now take a second step. Any step. In any direction but one. Do not step backwards. Do not cover the same ground.

Your path need not be direct. Go straight ahead. Go right or left. Spiral outward. Spiraling outward is not spinning in place. Spiraling outward is you learning in many areas, a generalist. Or take the straight path forward. Or zigzag.

Your path is yours. Unset, but waiting for you to take the journey.

Stop spinning.

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